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Scanner Project

Scanner Project 
These are Objects and Photos than I feel best represent me

1-2: Since my music collection and my game collection are next to each other, I thought I’d include them in the same photo. for about 5-6 years I’ve been collecting all sorts of items that interest me which have mainly been old video games such as PS2, N64, SNES and a few others, including items such as movies, books, figures, etc. most recently, I’ve started collecting music as well, since I have a big love and appreciation for music of all types, my collection is not as big as my game collection, but will hopefully grow more.

3: Another love I have is my PC, it’s where I mainly play video games, but it’s also where I’ve been doing Photoshop work for friends and me, and since I have 2 monitors, it helps me work efficiently the PC itself was built by me and my Dad, and now has an estimated worth of $1500+

4-5: Six years ago, I attended my first anime convention in Launceston, and grew a hobby for cosplay, my first time I went, I cosplayed as a character called Scout, but in the 6th image I cosplayed as another character called Chains, which at the time was I recall the 3rd time I went to a convention. And the 5th image is in Hobart, and I cosplayed as the NCR Ranger

6: As apart of my collection, I like collecting figures, most are just small little figures, such as Amiibo’s, Pop Vinyl’s, and even a 3D Printed figure made by a friend

7: A big part of my interests in life are manga, It’s what I love to read casually, and one of my favourite manga series of all time is JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, which I am still reading to this day

8: One of my first gaming experiences other than PC gaming was the SNES, I played the SNES for about 2 years until my SNES console died, last christmas I received a SNES Mini, with the controller that’s shown on the image

9: This is image is when I turned 18, It was an amazing night with a lot of my friends, I’ll never forget it and how amazing everyone was, a really great highlight of my life
